
Moorefield Church of the Brethren 

Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.

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There will not be a Youth meeting Sunday, September 10th.

We hope our youth can spend quality time with their families on Grandparents' Day!

Praying for all of our Youth to have a great school year!


Youth meeting after worship service at Brighton Park.

The youth & families participated in a "BYB" (Bring your blanket) for a picnic lunch & lesson.

Celebrating the end of summer and back-to-school! 

Children’s church sure was full of love today!! We learned about the most beautiful valentine, Jesus’s Love for us and our love for him❤️. Jesus wants a valentine from us but not a paper valentine. Jesus wants us to show our love for him by giving our heart and life to him. After all, he gave his life for us❤️. Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️

The Youth would like to say a special THANK YOU for donating gifts to their adopted family.

God bless you!